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General Knowledge Quiz 11

1. Who is the author of the book "Ammi: Leter to a Democratic Mother"?
(A) John L. Allen Jr. (United States)
(B) Saeed Mirza. (India).
(C) K. M. Panikkar. (India)
(D) Genius-Dave Eggers. (United States).

Answer: (B) Saeed Mirza. (India).

2. Who is the author of the book "An Area of Darkness"?
(A) H.S. Vatsyayan.
(B) Arnold J. Toynbee. (Brazil).
(C) Guy de Manupassant. (France)
(D) V. S. Naipaul. (Indo American)

Answer: (D) V. S. Naipaul. (Indo American)

3. Which of the following is the largest Archipelago of the world?
(A) Malay.
(B) Indonesia.
(C) Sodermanland.
(D) Ostergotland.

Answer: (B) Indonesia.

4. Which of the following is the largest Mammal of the world?
(A) Whale.
(B) Elephants.
(C) Giant Panda.
(D) Giraffe.

Answer: (A) Whale.

5. Rusting of Iron increase the weight of the iron. It is what kind of process?
(A) Mechanical process.
(B) Chemical Process.
(C) Electrical Process.
(D) Electromechanical process.

Answer: (B) Chemical Process.

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